How to reach low-hanging sales

5 ways to generate sales fast in your pakihi

One of the things I loved about working in the fitness industry, was the experience I got and the development opportunities I was exposed to. Like any corporate career in a well-established organisation, it’s one of the perks of the job.

One of my roles during this time, was a sales rep (aka membership consultant, because you don’t call yourself a sales “anything” because it reminds people of sleazy car salespeople).

When it comes to sales, you can either work hard with quantity or smart with quality.

Identifying the low-hanging sales fruit is a way to work smart.

  1. Customers make good customers - if they’ve purchased from you before, sell to them again. Even if your product or service is a one-off, what’s version 2.0 that you could sell to them? What add on or extra value could you sell them? Or if it’s a repeater product or service - chase the repeat.

    Lead Rating: 🔥🔥🔥(hot hot hot!)

    Know/Like/Trust Factor: 👌🏽👌🏽👌🏽(they already love you!)

  2. Your circle of influence / trust / comfort - whatever you’d like to call them. Review your circle of people, who could benefit from your product/service, that you know already? Think whānau, friends, colleagues, neighbours, gym mates, your kids-friends-parents..

    Lead Rating: 🔥🔥(warm they’re already in your circle)

    Know/Like/Trust Factor: 👌🏽👌🏽👌🏽(they already love you!)

  3. Referrals and recommendations - following on from customers making good customers, the next best option are - their friends! Referrals and recommendations are great because someone else is doing the selling for you. Someone that the lead knows/likes/trusts, which gives you a boost. Here’s a tip: Ask directly for the referral, ask them to make an intro, or give you their contact details so you can follow up.

    Lead Rating: 🔥🔥(warm thanks to their referrer)

    Know/Like/Trust Factor: 👌🏽👌🏽(piggy back off the referrer)

  4. Your email list - you’d be surprised how many times I hear wāhine say they don’t email their list, or don’t sell to their list. Fam - there is a reason these people have entrusted with their email address - they want you to email them! Build up the know/like/trust factor by adding value each time you email your list, and make sure that every email has a CTA (call-to-action) to buy in some way. Link them to your website, your calendar, your buy button..

    Lead Rating: 🔥(they might need a little work to warm them up, especially if you haven’t emailed them in a while!)

    Know/Like/Trust Factor: 👌🏽(build this up by adding value!)

  5. Social media engagers - this is not just selling to the masses and chucking a post up. It’s strategically reaching out to followers and connections who have engaged with your content once, twice or all the time. They have some like factor going on! Making a connection with them to understand where they’re at, really helps to build the know/trust part. Extra tip: Don’t reach out to them for a direct sale, start out with a DM kōrero, ask them a question and add some value first. You’ll naturally feel when the time is right to pitch for the sale.

    Lead Rating: 🔥🔥 (warm enough to reach out to)

    Know/Like/Trust Factor: 👌🏽(build this up by having a kōrero) or 👌🏽👌🏽(if they’ve been in your DMs before)

I have used all these strategies before to reach low-hanging fruit. They’re hands on and may not be scalable long-term, but they’re good for a focused period to boost sales before learning to automate.

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